Day 20 - Lake Bohinj to Ljubljana

We woke to thick morning fog but chose to pursue a five-mile walk around Lake Bohinj, anyway. Good call. The fog lifted halfway through the stroll, revealing one more sunny day, one more view of Triglav Peak.
We've really enjoyed the wildflowers, evidence of forest management, hang gliders and very fine dining.
This tour of the Julian Alps, which we booked through an agency, held many surprises for us. The hikes were gorgeous, not too strenuous, sometimes too technical, sometimes just challenging, sometimes just a stroll, and everything in-between. There are a couple of stretches for which I wish there were an an alternative, but in all, a thorough introduction to Slovenian terrain and hospitality.
The best surprise of this trip has been the food. I never expected this to be such a foodie heaven. Wonder if I can pack a suitcase full of Slovenian bread.
I've found the people here to be hearty, self-reliant, proud, usually patient and eagerly helpful. English, even far from any big city, has not been a problem. I do suggest picking up a couple words. A little good will goes a long way:
   Good morning = Dobro jutro
   Good day = Dobra dan
   Thank you = Hvala
a couple of favorites:
   Bakery = Pekarna or pekarnica
   Cheers! = Na zdravje!
"J" is pronounced like Y, yeh. "V" is softer than in English, almost U or W.
The countryside became a wonderful memory the moment we drove into the capital city, Ljubljananame-brand stores, multitudes of restaurants and wine bars, a vibrant, walkable, night life,
First stop, no surprise, a wine bar. Our waitress was very knowledgeable. Based on wines we liked she suggested a red wine, Slovenian, of course. Grapes are Crna Rebula. Rebula, or Ribolla, is usually a white wine. At first we were not sure about the taste because the finish was peppery. It opened up and became a great accompaniment to our appetizer.
For dinner we found a popular & proudly local-cuisine place known simply as Slovenian House, Slovenska Hisa. Of course, buckwheat and goulash were prominently featured. Terrific intro to the city.

Next Slovenian trip will include the winemaking region Goriska Brda, just north of Trieste, Italy. We also want to explore trails to the west of Mt Triglav. Hmm, rent a place in Trieste and tour the region from there? Could maybe also check out some of the Dolomites. My bucket list never gets shorter.